What an amazing weekend of thriving. We came we saw and we definitely kicked some ARSE. We seen a mix of event all over the country. From the Snowy classic at Thredbo, Emergency Service games to the final tri race of the season in Victoria.

Saturday seen the the inaugural Snowy Challenge Classic grand fondo bike event. After having a big focus on cycling since UM last year. Coach Chris Pye showed the pure cyclist a clean set of heals. It was an amazing results for Chris riding home solo to finish the event 1st place with over a 2 minute gap to the closest competitor. This come on the back of his solo win at the Noosa Grand fondo a few months ago. There is no better proof in the Thrive process than when our own coaches are leading by example. Brett O'neil also joined backing up after Melbourne 70.3 last weekend. We hear Brett took out the Man from snowy river award.

Emergency Serive held there annual games last week and yes you guessed it our very own local Fireman Markcus Brown was at it again. Backing up after 2 weekend in a row racing his schedule was jam packed. Markcus pick up a 2nd place in the 2km O/W swim. A 1st place in the individual time trial and a 2nd place in the road race. Yes this guy is an absolute champion and cant wait to see him at UM in 6 weeks time.
Lastly seen the last of the 2xu triathlon series at St Kilda. After a lay off due to a knee injury Charlie White tow the start line for the last race. Some times things happen for a reason and although suffering from covid 10 days ago Charlie wasn't gonna miss the last race of the season for anything. On the 1st corner Charlie competitive race was over with a puncture on the 1st corner. Like the true champion he is he fixed his tyre and enjoyed the rest of the race. Sharyn White although wasn't at the last race picked up 3rd place in the series. Congratulation guys you both are what Thrive is all about.