After a huge weekend of Triathlon last weekend at Geelong. It was about Off Road Tri, Running and Road Bikes this weekend. Scott and Wendy headed back to Lake Crankenback for the Australian X Tri Championships this weekend. The Stakes couldn't of been higher for a winner taking all bragging rights. Scott was off the bike with a nice buffer but it wasn't enough as Wendy hunted him down and in a romantic moment crossed the line together with Wendy having a 2 min buffer. Sam and Maddy backed up with a Mountain Fun run after their awesome performance at Geelong 70.3 last weekend. Maddy took out 2nd Female overall and Sam just missed the podium with a 4th place. After a long time on the side line Bek took on her first cycle race the Cohuna Bridge to Bridge 50km. In true Bek style she ripped the field up and road away to victory. Welcome back to the racing scene can't wait to see you back in the thick of the action again.
Snowy Mountain Cross Tri Standard Distance
Wendy McHugh 3:33:00 2nd F 50-54
Scott McHugh 3:35:00 11thM 50-54

Mountain of Fun Run 12.5 km
Sam Toulmin 50;08 4th M overall
Maddy Clarke 53:03 2nd F overall
Cohuna Bridge to Bridge Open 50 km Cycle race
Rebecca Cladingboel 1st F Overall
