Oh what a weekend the #thriveteam had. First up we had Christo Jacobie take on Ultraman Canada. After joining the #thriveteam 12 months ago Christo ticked every box in his 12 month prep to UM Canada. His results was a true credit to his consistency as well as over coming multiple obstacles along the way. Christo got a PB is his 4th UM race on the hardest course he has ever competed on. This is a reflection of how well the Thrive Endurance programming can work if you follow the plan.
Back at home we had Run Melbourne weekend with Rebecca Cladingboel stealing the shpw taking out 1st in AG and 3rd Female overall. Not to be out done Darrin also ran home with a 1/2 marathon PB. Last but not least was Blake, when he crossed the line he left us wondering if there was actually a marathon option but he informs us it was all for a great cause (good excuse). In the 10 km race we had Caroline and Jerrod take on the challenge. Team Cladingboel, after an intense 2 months of training took on their 3rd edition of the 5 km event doing it for a great cause "Johno's Run".
We were back in the MTB scene this week wIth Robbo finally making his return to racing. Robbo had a great result picking up 2nd in his category with a 10 min mechanical. Might have to get that bike into MY Ride Shepparton for a good service.

Ultraman Canada
Cristo Jacobie 30:52:00 2nd 50-59
Run Melbourne
Run Melbourne 1/2 Marathon
Rebecca Cladingboel 1:27:28.7 1st 30-39 PB
Blake Taverna 3:18:25.2 30-39 PW lol
Darrin McKemmish 1:41:18.0 50-59 PB

Run Melbourne 10 km
Caroline Meston 1:04;19
Jerrod Davidson 1:06:25.2
Run Melbourne 5 km
Nick Cladingboel 48:02 Johno's Run - Cladingboel Team

Blores Hill 6 hour MTB Enduro
Dean Robinson 10 laps 2nd 40-49 SM
