The last weekend was all about the girls behind the scene of the coaches. Shazza took on her first MTB race #thriving her way to 2nd place and her first podium at Sunshine Coast Mountain bike festival. At run Noosa, Sarah clocked up a 5 km pb on her way to her 21.1 km run. Its great that we can share sport and achievement with our partners #couplesthatthrivetogether.
Last weekend saw Becca take on a sprint tri in the UK with special instructions to go easy after a week of sickness. Shepparton Runners club had their monthly Handicap with Wendy, Scott and Kirsten taking part. Over in Echuca, ETC had their presentation night with the #thriveteam doing everyone proud.

Sunshine Coast MTB festival 28km
Sharon Andronaco 1:41;03 2nd female 40-49

Run Noosa 1/2 Marathon
Sarah Pye 1:51:10 5 km PB :-)
Bloodies Blenheim Sprint Triathlon
Becca Fellows 1:28:05 8 th 25-29F
Shepparton Runners Club Handicap
Wendy McHugh 35:59 5 km PB
Kirsten Arthur 36:01
Scott McHugh 36:08
Echuca Tri Club presentation
Bek Cladingboel Club Person of the Year
Bek Cladingboel Female Club Champion
Sam Toulon 30-39 Champion
Maddy Clarke 20-29 Champion
Maddy Clarke Splash and dash Champion
Daz McKemmish Most Consistent