Week 1

1. Ramp up in 4 steps
Warm-up Build
2:30 @ 55-70 % of Threshold Heart Rate
2:30 @ 70-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
2:30 @ 75-80 % of Threshold Heart Rate
2:30 @ 78-83 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Ending with a nice good cadence of 90+
2. Repeat 6 times
1. Single Legs alt-left / right each rep
20 sec @ 75-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Concentrate on the bottom and top of pedaling stroke to remove flat spots
2. Both legs
40 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Still focusing on a full circle with no flat spots
3. Good Cadence work
3 min @ 85-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
98-103 rpm
This is more about focusing on cadence and getting legs to fit that effort.
4. Recovery
1 min @ 65-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Really easy recovery
5. Repeat 6 times
Single Legs alt-left / right each rep
20 sec @ 75-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Concentrate on the bottom and top of pedaling stroke to remove flat spots
2. Both legs
40 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Still focusing on a full circle with no flat spots
6. Good Cadence work
3 min @ 85-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
98-103 rpm
This is more about focusing on cadence and getting legs to fit that effort.
7. Recovery
1 min @ 65-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Really easy recovery
8. Repeat 6 times
Single Legs alt-left / right each rep
20 sec @ 75-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Concentrate on the bottom and top of pedaling stroke to remove flat spots. At first, if you fail before the time just clip back in both legs the time is just a gauge.
2. Both legs
40 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Still focusing on a full circle with no flat spots
9. Good Cadence work
3 min @ 85-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
98-103 rpm
This is more about focusing on cadence and getting legs to fit that effort.
10. Recovery
1 min @ 65-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Really easy recovery
11. Repeat 6 times
Single Legs alt-left / right each rep
20 sec @ 75-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Concentrate on the bottom and top of pedaling stroke to remove flat spots. At first, if you fail before the time just clip back in both legs the time is just a gauge.
2. Both legs
40 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Still focusing on a full circle with no flat spots
12. Good Cadence work
3 min @ 85-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
98-103 rpm
This is more about focusing on cadence and getting legs to fit that effort.
13. Recovery
1 min @ 65-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Really easy recovery
14. Cool Down
5 min @ 65-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Week 2

We are aiming at increasing the high cadence spin by 10 sec each work working on muscle memory. The more muscle memory we get the better our pedal stroke will become.
1. Ramp up in 4 steps
Warm-up Build
2:30 @ 55-70 % of Threshold Heart Rate
2:30 @ 70-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
2:30 @ 76-82 % of Threshold Heart Rate
2:30 @ 80-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
2. Repeat 5 times
1. Spin Spin Spin
40 sec @ 80-90 % of Threshold Heart Rate
110-120 rpm
This is about controlled high cadence work not about power. We want to spin our legs fast and smooth without bouncing around on the bike. It's about muscle creating muscle memory to ride more efficient in the future.
2. Recovery
40 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
80-90 rpm
Make sure you recover ready for the next
3. Zone 2
5 min @ 85-88 % of Threshold Heart Rate
100-105 rpm
High cadence concentrating on perfect pedalling
4. Recovery
1 min @ 70-80 % of Threshold Heart Rate
5. Repeat 5 times
1. Spin Spin Spin
40 sec @ 80-90 % of Threshold Heart Rate
110-120 rpm
This is about controlled high cadence work not about power. We want to spin our legs fast and smooth without bouncing around on the bike. It's about muscle creating muscle memory to ride more efficient in the future.
2. Recovery
40 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
80-90 rpm
Make sure you recover ready for the next
6. Zone 2
5 min @ 85-88 % of Threshold Heart Rate
100-105 rpm
High cadence concentrating on perfect pedalling
7. Recovery
1 min @ 70-80 % of Threshold Heart Rate
8. Repeat 5 times
1. Spin Spin Spin
40 sec @ 80-90 % of Threshold Heart Rate
110-120 rpm
This is about controlled high cadence work not about power. We want to spin our legs fast and smooth without bouncing around on the bike. It's about muscle creating muscle memory to ride more efficient in the future.
2. Recovery
40 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
80-90 rpm
Make sure you recover ready for the next rep
9. Zone 2
5 min @ 85-88 % of Threshold Heart Rate
100-105 rpm
High cadence concentrating on perfect pedalling
10. Recovery
1 min @ 70-80 % of Threshold Heart Rate
11. Repeat 5 times
Spin Spin Spin
40 sec @ 80-90 % of Threshold Heart Rate
110-120 rpm
This is about controlled high cadence work not about power. We want to spin our legs fast and smooth without bouncing around on the bike. It's about muscle creating muscle memory to ride more efficient in the future.
2. Recovery
40 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
80-90 rpm
Make sure you recover ready for the next rep
12. Zone 2
5 min @ 85-88 % of Threshold Heart Rate
100-105 rpm
High cadence concentrating on perfect pedalling
13. Cool Down
5 min @ 60-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Week 3

Our aim each week is to improve efficiency and last an extra 5 sec before our pedal stroke starts to fall apart. As our legs get fitter we should be able to increase the duration of the good cadence work at the same effort level.
1. Ramp up in 4 steps
Warm up Build
2:30 @ 55-70 % of Threshold Heart Rate
2:30 @ 70-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
2:30 @ 75-80 % of Threshold Heart Rate
2:30 @ 78-83 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Ending with nice good cadence 90+
2. Repeat 6 times
1. Single Legs alt left / right each rep
30 sec @ 75-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Aim for 5 second more than last session. Still concentrate on bottom and top of pedaling stroke to remove flat spots
2. Both legs
30 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Still focusing on full circle with no flat spots
3. Good Cadence work
7 min @ 85-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
98-103 rpm
This is more about focusing on cadence and getting legs fit that effort.
4. Recovery
1 min @ 65-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Really easy recovery
5. Repeat 6 times
Single Legs alt left / right each rep
30 sec @ 75-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Concentrate on bottom and top of pedaling stroke to remove flat spots
2. Both legs
30 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Still focusing on full circle with no flat spots
6. Good Cadence work
7 min @ 85-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
98-103 rpm
This is more about focusing on cadence and getting legs to fit that effort.
7. Recovery
1 min @ 65-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Really easy recovery
8. Repeat 6 times
Single Legs alt left / right each rep
30 sec @ 75-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Concentrate on the bottom and top of pedaling stroke to remove flat spots. At first if you fail before the time just clip back in both legs the time is just a gauge.
2. Both legs
30 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Still focusing on full circle with no flat spots
9. Good Cadence work
7 min @ 85-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
98-103 rpm
This is more about focusing on cadence and getting legs to fit that effort.
10. Recovery
1 min @ 65-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Really easy recovery
11. Repeat 6 times
Single Legs alt left / right each rep
30 sec @ 75-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Concentrate on bottom and top of pedaling stroke to remove flat spots. At first if you fail before the time just clip back in both legs the time is just a gauge.
2. Both legs
30 sec @ 50-60 % of Threshold Heart Rate
Still focusing on full circle with no flat spots
12. Good Cadence work
7 min @ 85-85 % of Threshold Heart Rate
98-103 rpm
This is more about focusing on cadence and getting legs to fit that effort.
13. Cool Down
5 min @ 65-75 % of Threshold Heart Rate